Vulnhub – vulnerable machines you can practice or for your pentest laboratory.Awesome CTF – a curated list of Capture The Flag (CTF) frameworks, libraries, resources and software.Practice CTF List / Permanent CTF List – a good collection and resource of CTFs that are long-running.Trail of Bits CTF Guide – one of the best guides for newbies.Trend Micro CTF Asia Pacific & Japan – a CTF event hosted by Trend Micro.

DefCamp CTF – the official CTF of DEFCAMP.OverTheWire – another war gaming network.Smash the Stack – a war gaming network which simulates software vulnerabilities and allows for the legal execution of exploitation techniques.Giovanni Vigna of the Department of Computer Science at UCSB, and is held once a year (usually at the beginning of December, but it has been rescheduled a few times) UCSB iCTF – the UCSB International Capture The Flag is organized by Prof.HSCTF – known to be the first CTF made by high school students and for high school students.ROOTCON CTF – is the official CTF of ROOTCON Hacker Conference.ROOTCON Campus Tour CTF – is the first ever inter-university CTF challenge in the Philippines which is a open to all college students.Ghost in the Shellcode – an annual CTF which is hosted in ShmooCon Hacker Convention.picoCTF – a CTF targeted for middle and high school students.DEFCON CTF – one of the most prestigious and challenging CTF ever in DEFCON which is currently organized by Legitimate Business Syndicate.CTF competitions on hacker conferences or gatherings and wargames